Pictures and movies


2024 pictures

Our photographers have again given everything to immortalize your race on the trails, as well as your arrivals. You can choose between albums per day and those of our different photographers! Of course, your photo may not be there, with more than 3500 runners scattered all over the forest it's hard to get absolutely everyone. Pictures are posted a few days after the race and you can download the ones you want for a small fee, which will be used to reward the good work of our photographers!

Photos of the runners (Geosnapshots) Photographers albums
  • Québec Mega Trail - Édition 2022 - Sentier des Caps
  • Québec Mega Trail - Édition 2022 - Pont Rivière-Sainte-Anne
  • Québec Mega Trail - Édition 2022 - Baie-Saint-Paul (2)
  • Québec Mega Trail - Édition 2022 - Mont Gabrielle Roy
  • Québec Mega Trail - Édition 2022 - Mont Sainte-Anne (2)
  • Québec Mega Trail - Édition 2022 - Chute Jean Larose
  • Québec Mega Trail - Édition 2022 - Saint-Tite-des-Caps

How beautiful you are to see! We get chills watching this video made by our friend @Loup William Théberge and his team! Every year, we strive to thrill you, and this time will be no exception! This story in images transports you through our trails and pays homage to our precious territory. Immerse yourself in this journey rich in sensations, emotions, and nostalgia!


Testimonials - The legendary QMT 100 mile

Discover the legendary QMT-100 Mile, a grueling but oh so rewarding event through the eyes of Quebec Mega Trail finishers. They were kind enough to share some fragments of their experience with us.

Voir les témoignages / see Testimonials


Video recaps

Each edition, our team of videographers pull out all the stops by capturing the craziest images to make you relive the event with as much brilliance as if you were still there.

Watch all video recaps